We've tried to keep track of progress over the past 10 days or so. A lot has happened in a short time! Here are a few photos to give you an idea of what's been going on.
You can see some more photos on our picasa site at: https://picasaweb.google.com/112282802816936221737/307AConstructionPhotos06250704?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCIWA9vDfteShQA&feat=directlink
We're framing in a new window to get some light in the middle of the house! Crossing our fingers that the stacked w/d (center) will still work. |
Siding off, sheathing off, sheathing on, paper on and sealed up. That's Kyle checking the level on our skirt board before we start to measure cuts for siding. |
Another shot of the new window-to-be, yes we're excited about the window. The range, though still here, did not make it through the flood. Ah well! |
Base trim, flashing, smooth Hardie panel and cedar battens are up. Add some door trim and this side will be ready for a coat of paint! Very exciting. |
Thank you for all of your hard work, Justin!!! Love you!
Really fine Justin. An amazing amount of work in that time. Wish your uncle were there to help. Maybe he'd learn to pick up the pace. :-) Ya'll could train him in the faster but well done approach. Looks Great!!
How exciting to see the renovation take shape! I love your commitment to your house AND your home, Justin. May the Lord continue to bless your efforts.
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